Mixed Oxides of Calcium and Zinc as Heterogeneous Catalyst in Biodiesel Production from Refined Palm Oil(1)


Mixed Oxides of Calcium and Zinc as Heterogeneous Catalyst in Biodiesel Production from Refined Palm Oil(1)

       The 6th ENGII Conference——Due to the additional cost and environmental problems derived from the homogeneous catalyst re-moval in the traditional biodiesel production process, the research with heterogeneous catalysts to transesterification reaction had been increasing in the last years, and the calcium oxide had been the most promising catalyst because its high yields in the process and it low cost. The main disad-vantage of this compound is its high lixiviation in reaction media, for this reason some researcher had found the way of support this oxide through the use of zinc oxide.

嘉 賓 :

A.P. Carlos Alberto Guerrero
