

頻 道 > 境內高端學術會議


209 Videos
簡 介 : 第五屆全國振動利用工程學術會議暨第四次全國超聲電機技術研討會——本片介紹了振動研究與納米研究的雙向發展,分別講述了複合體系的振動分析與應用和振動能量到納米物質的變化。
關鍵字 : 振動利用工程 電機技術 振動學
簡 介 : 第五屆全國振動利用工程學術會議暨第四次全國超聲電機技術研討會——虛擬儀器是人類發展中的一個極其重要的工具,它比之瓦特的蒸汽機,倫琴發明的倫琴射線以及汽車火車發電機的發明一樣,代表了一個國家科技實力的象徵,也代表了對人類社會的貢獻。本片講述了雲智能儀器的研製過程和對未來的展望。
關鍵字 : 振動利用工程 電機技術 振動學
簡 介 : 第五屆全國振動利用工程學術會議暨第四次全國超聲電機技術研討會——本片由北京大學董蜀湘教授向我們介紹了北京大學在壓電與磁電器件方面近幾年來的研究發現與進展。
關鍵字 : 振動利用工程 電機技術 振動學


646 Videos
Post WWII Japan-Taiwan Economic Relations Development and Future Direction
簡 介 : 第三屆計算器與管理學術會議(CAMAN2013)——After WWII,Japanese capital,ranking the second place in foreign investments in Taiwan,is one of the indispensable factors. On the other hand,the opening up of the Chinese marker has given a great a deal of room for cooperation between Taiwanese and Japanese enterprises adept in direct investment.
關鍵字 : 臺灣 日本 投資
Cointegration Analysis and ECM of Industrial Economy and Direct Foreign Investments of China
簡 介 : 第三屆計算器與管理學術會議(CAMAN2013)——The data of direct foreign investments and the gross domestic production of industry from 1983 to 2010 are collected. This paper analyzes the relations between direct foreign investments and economic growth in industrial by using cointegration analysis and Granger-causality test theory methods. The results show that there is a long-term equilibrium relationship between direct foreign investments growth and industrial economic growth of China,and there is a one-way Granger-causality from direct foreign investments growth to industrial economic growth.
關鍵字 : 外商投資 協整分析 工業經濟
Carving Thumbnail/s and Embedded JPEG files Using Image Pattern Matching
簡 介 : 第三屆計算器與管理學術會議(CAMAN2013)——The 3rd International Conference on Computer and Management (CAMAN 2013) was held from March 10th to 12th, 2013 in Wuhan, China. CAMAN 2013 bring together top researchers from Asian Pacific areas, North America, Europe and around the world to exchange research results and address open issues in all aspects of Computer and Management.
關鍵字 : 圖像模式匹配 計算器 技術


265 Videos
Analysis of Transmission Loss in Droop Control of a Multi-Terminal HVDC System
簡 介 : The 6th Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2014)——High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) electric power transmission is a promising technology for integrating offshore wind farms and interconnecting power grids in different regions. In order to maintain the DC voltage, droop control has been widely used. Transmission line loss constitutes an import part of the total power loss in a multi-terminal HVDC scheme. In this talk, the relation between droop controller design and transmission loss has been investigated. Different MTDC layout configurations are compared to examine the effect of droop controller design on the transmission loss.
關鍵字 : 高壓直流電力傳輸 下垂控制 多終端直流輸電系統
Loss-of-Main Monitoring and Detection for Distributed Generations Using Dynamic Principal Component Analysis(1)
簡 介 : The 6th Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2014)——In this talk, our previous work on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) based fault detection method is extended to the dynamic monitoring and detection of loss-of-main in power systems using wide-area synchrophasor measurements. In the previous work, a static PCA model was built and verified to be capable of detecting and extracting system faulty events; however the false alarm rate is high. To address this problem, this talk uses a well-known ‘time lag shift’ method to include dynamic behavior of the PCA model based on the synchronized measurements from Phasor Meas-urement Units (PMU), which is named as the Dynamic Principal Component Analysis (DPCA).
關鍵字 : 電力系統動態監測 PCA模型 同步測量動態行爲 分佈式發電 主成分分析
Loss-of-Main Monitoring and Detection for Distributed Generations Using Dynamic Principal Component Analysis(2)
簡 介 : The 6th Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2014)——In this talk, our previous work on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) based fault detection method is extended to the dynamic monitoring and detection of loss-of-main in power systems using wide-area synchrophasor measurements. In the previous work, a static PCA model was built and verified to be capable of detecting and extracting system faulty events; however the false alarm rate is high. To address this problem, this talk uses a well-known ‘time lag shift’ method to include dynamic behavior of the PCA model based on the synchronized measurements from Phasor Meas-urement Units (PMU), which is named as the Dynamic Principal Component Analysis (DPCA).
關鍵字 : 電力系統動態監測 PCA模型 同步測量動態行爲 分佈式發電 主成分分析


3 Videos
Plasma-based surface modification of metallic orthopedics materials and associated bio-interactions(1)
簡 介 : 第二屆海峽兩岸功能材料科技與產業峯會(2015)——Good properties brought to both Ti and Mg alloys by plasma technology. The mechanisms differ in each case.
關鍵字 : plasma technology metallic orthopedics material bio-interactions
Plasma-based surface modification of metallic orthopedics materials and associated bio-interactions(2)
簡 介 : 第二屆海峽兩岸功能材料科技與產業峯會(2015)——Good properties brought to both Ti and Mg alloys by plasma technology. The mechanisms differ in each case.
關鍵字 : plasma technology metallic orthopedics material bio-interactions
High performance electrode for advanced energy storage device
簡 介 : 2015中國(國際)功能材料科技與產業高層論壇——Surface carbon structure and inner core of microelectrode plays important role to influent their electrochemical performances.
關鍵字 : energy storage carbon structure nanotube array