An algorithm of restraining the receiver position errors for moving source localization using TDOA


An algorithm of restraining the receiver position errors for moving source localization using TDOA

       IEEE TENCON 2013——This talk analyzes the observability of estimating simultaneously the initial position and velocity of a constant velocity source by two fixed receivers using TDOA measurements observed many a time. From the geometrical means of vector operations, it arrives at the conclusion that the conditions are similar to those in the general source localization by multi-receivers using TDOA. Then the Cramer-Rao lower bound with erroneous receiver positions is derived in this paper and an algorithm based on Taylor-series is proposed to restrain the errors. Both theoretical development and Monte Carlo simulations prove that the algorithm can reach the Cramer-Rao lower bound under Gaussian noise when it converges.

嘉 賓 :

Associate Pro Li ZHANG
