Study on stability control of 4WD EV based on sliding mode control
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Study on stability control of 4WD EV based on sliding mode control
IEEE TENCON 2013——Direct yaw moment control (DYC) is the most potential chassis control method applied to electric vehicles (EV). In this talk, three stability controllers aimed at different targets based on sliding mode control (SMC) are designed: Yaw rate controller improves the vehicle stability by controlling the yaw rate; Slip angle controller is aimed at maintaining a minimum side slip angle; United controller is the combination of tow controllers above. A simulation model is built in Carsim&Simulink software for comparing and evaluating the controllers. The results show that: all the three controllers could stabilize the vehicle posture well under critical condition. Yaw rate controller has a biggest side slip angle with a smallest steering wheel angle. Slip angle controller has a best stability performance, but it makes the vehicle difficult to change the posture. United controller has the most proper performance considering all the aspects.
嘉 賓 :
Jie He