Identification of the sensitivity areas to wind erosion in the Sistan Province (Hamouns Lakes)
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Identification of the sensitivity areas to wind erosion in the Sistan Province (Hamouns Lakes)
The Eighth International Conference on Aeolian Research(ICAR VIII)——About 60 percent of Iran is desert area and more than 4.8 million hectares of Iran are covered by sand dunes.The dust production reduces visibility on Sistan,Afghanistan and Pakistan,affects human health and pollutes the air.Wind erosion reduces soil productivity,decreases agricultural production and deteriorates soil quality in Sitan.Sediments from wind erosion fill up irrigation canals and roads dithches, cover the railroads and roads,cause household dust damages.
Guests :
Prof. Hamidreza Abbasi
Keyword :
风蚀作用 敏感区域 能见度 中亚地区Year:2014