Escalation of wind erosion from oilseed bioenergy crops grown in the Pacific Northwest,USA
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Escalation of wind erosion from oilseed bioenergy crops grown in the Pacific Northwest,USA
第十一届国际旱地发展会议——Sediment and PM10 flux are higher from an oilseed crop rotation. The higher flux was in part due to less crop residue after the oilseed crop. Wind erosion was assessed at sowing when soil was most susceptible to erosion,life cycle analysis during fallow required to determine overall performance. Inclusion of oilseeds into conventional crop rotations may degrade air and soil quality in the US Pacific Northwest.
Guests :
Professor B.S. Sharratt
Keyword :
传统小麦种植系统 油籽生物 生命周期分析 可吸入颗粒物Year:2013