An Improved Four-Component Decomposition with Distributed Double-Bounce Scattering Modle

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An Improved Four-Component Decomposition with Distributed Double-Bounce Scattering Modle

       2012年遥感计算器视觉国际会议——This paper proposes an improved four-component scattering decomposition scheme with modified double-bounce scattering model for the analysis of polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (POLSAR) data.In the Yamaguchi decomposition, it occurs occasionally for some pixels withnegative surface scattering power Ps and/or negative diplane scattering power Pd because the whole HV cross-polarized component is assigned to volume scattering due to vegetation; and it is also difficult to discriminate man-made buildings not orthogonal to the radar LOS from vegetation. In advance the conditions of the emergence of negative powers in the Yamaguchi decomposition are given out,and three corresponding processing methods adopted in many performance, especially in images with lots of azimuth ambiguities and system noises

Guests :

Jiehong Chen
