Everything You Need To Know About Basic Film Production - Lighting & Balancing The Set, Lamps, Flags & F-Stops

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Everything You Need To Know About Basic Film Production - Lighting & Balancing The Set, Lamps, Flags & F-Stops

       In this course you'll learn all about Light Spread & Flow - Tungsten vs Daylight White Balance, Fresnel Lights, HMI Lights, HMI Par Lights, Lighting Ballasts, Comparing HMI Bulbs, Color Temperature - Blue Filters and Kelvin Units. White Balancing, Scrims, Spotting Lights - Narrowing and Magnifying Bulbs - Flooding and Spotting. Reducing Shadows, Background Lights, Camera f Stops and Light Meters. Plus Shadow Softening, Lighting Ratios, The Final Practical to the Final Frame, Lighting Two Subjects – Actors and the Final Frame.

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