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中国四川藏区一个叫熊托的小村子,住着一位人们口耳相传的开水喇嘛。这位喇嘛住在五千公尺的高山上,一间由信众搭起的木造房屋里。每一天都有无数的人们从各大藏区跋山而来,跪在他的座前,为了寻求自己生命的答案。他们问着:死去的亲人哪去了?疼痛的原因是什么?儿子坐牢了怎么办?我跟前妻复婚还有望吗?此时,炉灶上的水煮开了,在屋外等待的信众一个个脱下上衣,他们即将得到开水喇嘛的独到「答案」。A small village, Xiongtuo, situated in the Tibetan remote region in Sichuan, China. By word of mouth, there is a “boiling-water Lama” resides at the village. The Lama lives in a wooden house built by followers, which is in a mountainous area around 5,000 meters high. Every day, countless people from the major Tibetan regions travel across the mountains to visit him in order to seek for the answer for their own lives. They consult with him regarding the questions, such as “Where did my deceased relatives go?” “What is the cause of my headache?” “What should I do if my son is sent to jail?” “Is it still possible for me to remarry my ex-wife?” Meanwhile, the water on the stove was boiled, and the believers wait outside taking off their shirts one by one, ready to get the unique “answer”from the Lama.