Everything you Need to Know About Lighting on a Set - Keying, Candles with Darker Skin tones


Everything you Need to Know About Lighting on a Set - Keying, Candles with Darker Skin tones

       Substituting actors on the same set usually requires a new set lighting balance especially when actors having darker skin tones are involved. In this program you’ll see how adjusting the amount of light and controlling the light measure is attained using spot and Incident meters. Light meters are critical to properly light the set, especially useful when lighting a color key backdrop. This program covers: Blue Screen Concepts, Extras - Lighting Changes, Lighting For Keying, Lighting The Background Flat, Measuring for Even Lighting, Using Incident Light Meters, Combo Spot and Incident Meters, Blocking with 4x4 Floppies, Reading Ratings on the Dimmer Pack, Skin Tone - Light Absorption, Range of Light Flicker, Controlling The Spill Light, Camera Light Sensitivity, Contrast f-stop Readings, Separating the Subjects from the Background.

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