
Project Setup & Player Movement

In this program you’ll learn how to install Unity and the basics of where things are. It will also teach the various methods to move characters within a game. Students will learn how to: Installing Unity & quick overview, Setting up project folders, Choosing an IDE (Script Editor), Scaffolding our Character Controller script, Update vs Fixed Update, Get Player Input & Handle Player Input, Adding terrain & player objects, Methods we can use to move our character, Understanding Rigid-bodies, Understanding Ray-casts.
關鍵字:遊戲開發UnityGame DevelopmentVideo Game

Handling Physics Interactions & Handling Input

This section teaches about managing object collisions and polling for movement input. It also shows how to test everything we have made so far. Learning chapters include: Managing object collisions, Adding player rigid-body, Adding colliders, Rigid-body constraints, Polling for movement input.
關鍵字:遊戲開發UnityGame DevelopmentVideo Game

Movement Via AddForce, Movement Via Velocity Adjustment & The Jump Mechanic

A detailed overview of AddForce, Velocity and the basics of the jump mechanic. Learning chapters include: AddForce discussion, Moving with AddForce, Adding force by magnitude values, Fixing input lag, Velocity discussion, Adjusting player velocity, Methods to have our player jump, Jumping via AddForce, Fixing inconsistent jump, Jumping via velocity adjustment, Adjusting for a better jump.
關鍵字:遊戲開發UnityGame DevelopmentVideo Game

Adding Multiple Jumps & Using Ray-Casts

This section explores the fine art of 'multiple' jumping and using Raycasts on the players feet and how to debug them. Learning chapters include: Limiting player jumps, Handling OnCollision events, Fixing jump reset issues, Firing a Ray-Cast at Players Feet, Debugging Ray-Casts, Debugging By Breakpoint, Finishing Jump Logic.
關鍵字:遊戲開發UnityGame DevelopmentVideo Game

The Dash Mechanic

An overview of the Dash Mechanic, camera and terrain adjustment and how to properly code a dash. Learning chapters include: Camera & Terrain Adjustment, Coding The Dash, A New Action In The Input Manager.
關鍵字:遊戲開發UnityGame DevelopmentVideo Game

The Wall Slide Mechanic

The wall slide mechanic is a must for any avid gamer. This section talks about particular implementation, trigger colliders and scripting. Learning chapters include: Possible Implementation, Adding Side Trigger Colliders, Scripting For Wall Detection, Preparing For Wall Slide Functionality, Coding The Wall Slide.
關鍵字:遊戲開發UnityGame DevelopmentVideo Game

The Wall Jump Mechanic & Adding Character Animations

Explores the wall jump and adding wall jump force, as well as adding in the specific character animations and structures for your game. Learning chapters include: Starting Our Wall Jump, Getting Wall Direction, Adding a Wall Jump Force, Adding Decay to the Wall Jump, Setup & Importing Animation Assets, Adding Current Player State Structure, Setting Current Player State For Each Game Mechanic, Resolving Final Directional Facing Issues.
關鍵字:遊戲開發UnityGame DevelopmentVideo Game