Tsunami simulation of the April 01, 2014 Chile Earthquake due to preliminary results of point source and finite-fault source


Tsunami simulation of the April 01, 2014 Chile Earthquake due to preliminary results of point source and finite-fault source

       The 6th ENGII Conference——We have simulated the tsunami generated from the 01 April 2014, Mw:8.2 earthquake. The assumed tsunami source is located due to the finite-fault source model of United States Geological Survey. The post event tsunami calculations were performed in order to better represent the event and identify more in detail the affected locations. Non-linear shallow water equations are solved with a finite difference scheme, using a computational grid over GEBCO 30 bathymetry data. The purpose of the study is to examine the differences between preliminary parameters of point source and finite fault models on tsunami simulation. The simulated waves were also compared with the available deep ocean pressure sensors and tide gauges records along Chilean coasts.

嘉 宾 :

A.P. Ergin Ulutas
