A New Approach of Electric Field Adoption for Germination Improvement

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A New Approach of Electric Field Adoption for Germination Improvement

       The 6th Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2014)——Enhancement of tomato seed germination is one of the most important factors for developing a supply chain of in-creased demand. Tomato is one of the important cash crop in the world. To fulfill increased requirement,electric field adoption is the best alternative. The study was undertaken at MPKV, Rahuri for improvement in tomato seed germina-tion. Three different approaches were utilized as electrostatic field, microwave and corona discharge method to treat tomato seeds. The comparative analysis revealed that adoption of electrostatic field application was simple as well as powerful me-thod with significantly positive results. In electrostatic field, the optimal dosage was 2 kV/ mm for 20 second interval to improve germination, root shoot length and seed vigour.

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