Guidance and Control System Design of Submarine-to-Air Missile based on Optimal Control
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Guidance and Control System Design of Submarine-to-Air Missile based on Optimal Control
IEEE TENCON 2013——A new design method of guidance and control system for the submarine-to-air missile based on optimal theory is presented in this paper. Firstly, the small perturbation linearized state space models of pitch channel for both torpedo underwater mechanics and missile flight mechanics are established. Then the guidance and control system is designed by linear quadratic (LQ) soft terminal controller and optimal guidance law. Finally, it is proved by simulation that the linearized model and the optimal design method are efficient in submarine-to-air missile controlling.
Guests :
Miao Haochun
Keyword :
导弹控制系统 线性二次型 软终端控制器 线性化模型Year:2013