The Computation of Liveness Enforcing Supervisors From Submodels of a Petri Net Model of FMS

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The Computation of Liveness Enforcing Supervisors From Submodels of a Petri Net Model of FMS

       IEEE TENCON 2013——In this talk, a method is proposed for the computation of liveness enforcing supervisors (LES) from submodels of a Petri net model (PNM) of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS). Given the PNM of an FMS prone to deadlock, it aims to synthesize a live controlled Petri net. The PNM of the system is divided into small connected subnets (submodels). Each connected subnet prone to deadlock is then used to compute the LES for the original PNM. An example FMS deadlock problem from the literature is used to illustrate the applicability of the proposed method.

Guests :

Professor Murat Uzam
