Effect of partially replacing corn meal by wet date on growth performance in Nile tilapia fingerlings, diets supplemented with Digestarom


Effect of partially replacing corn meal by wet date on growth performance in Nile tilapia fingerlings, diets supplemented with Digestarom

       The International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health (EPPH 2014)——A 3-month randomized factorial design 4x2 (four levels (0, 15, 30, and 45%) of wet Date (WD), two levels (0 and 0.03%) of Digestarom® (D) and three replicates. The trial was conducted in twenty four glass aquaria. Ten fingerlings of Nile tilapia were placed in each aquarium with an average weight 15.40±0.3g fish. Fish were fed twice daily (six days a week) at a rate of 3% of body weight. The results revealed that, mean final weight (g/fish), SGR (% /day), feed conversion ratio, PPV and PER, were significantly (p ≤ 0.05) affected by the levels of WD and level of D. And the best diet achieved which containing 15% DS supplemented with 0.03 % D. From the above results and the economic information of these study it can be concluded that, diet containing 30% of WD with 0.3% D exhibited the highest net profit and would seem to be the most desirable level of WD and D in the system studied.

ゲスト :

Prof. Magdy Gaber
