A Novel Method to Calculate QoE-Oriented Dynamic Weights of Indicators for Telecommunication Service


A Novel Method to Calculate QoE-Oriented Dynamic Weights of Indicators for Telecommunication Service

       IEEE TENCON 2013——Quality of Experience (QoE) becomes recently the most important tendency to guarantee the quality of telecommunication services. In this talk, we proposed a three-step approach to calculate the weights of KPIs in the KQI (Key Quality Indicators) / KPI (Key Performance Indicators) assessment architecture for QoE evaluation. First, indicators are classified into two sets (Static Set and Dynamic Set) according to their change degree represented by their standard deviation. Second, for indicators in dynamic set, a changes-sensitive method for calculating dynamic weights (CMDW) is proposed, which takes into account not only the relative importance but also the change of the indicators. And for indicators in static set, we use a subjective method to get the corresponding weights. At last the weights of indicators in the two set are combined. As a result,the weights determined using the proposed method can not only combine subjective and objective information but also reflect the change of the indictors on QoE evaluation.

ゲスト :

Liyan You
