Vulnerability of cotton crop to climate change in salt affected soil


Vulnerability of cotton crop to climate change in salt affected soil

       第十一届国际旱地发展会议——Cotton is tolerant to saline conditions with an EC threshold of nearly 8 dS/m. Tolerance level for cotton is the average for the growing season. Yield reductions with adult cotton begin at 5.1 dS/m Ecw, but as little as 1.0 dS/m can affect seedings in moderate to slow draining soils. This type of tolerance has been the background for the exploitation of various water resources such as saline water and reclaimed wastewater for cotton production. Unfortunately, despite extensive research on saline and sodic conditions in water and soil and despite short-term success in managing them, the long term effects of salinity seem detrimental to soil properties and to yield.

ゲスト :

Professor Tahany Norel Din
