

       Dr. Tawhid is a pediatrician in Dhaka, Bangladesh. In 2017, he visited the Rohingya refugee camp in Cox's Bazar as a volunteer medic, where he met Osman, a 14-year-old Rohingya boy. “I want to study. I want to become a doctor like you,” Osman reminded Tawhid himself as a kid. Tawhid was triggered to raise fund for Osman, and promised Osman to fight for his future.After that, Tawhid and Osman stay in touch over the phone, and as time passes, Tawhid becomes Osman's only portal to a better life outside the camp. At this point, Tawhid finally starts to worry about giving Osman a false dream, because he cannot be the answer to Osman's life.Tawhid is planning another trip to see Osman, but he must craft a sustainable plan for his independence, as this is very likely his last visit. In a world that is inevitably built on inequalities and borders, how are they going to break the boundaries?塔希德是住在孟加拉的小儿科医师,他先前在罗兴亚难民营行医疗服务时,遇见14岁的奥斯曼。当时奥斯曼刚躲过缅甸军的袭击逃到孟加拉,但他立志要成为像塔希德一样的医生。这份勇气感动了塔希德,因此援助奥斯曼一家人的生活。一年过去了,塔希德开始担心他给了奥斯曼一个错误的期待,他决定再次前往难民营见奥斯曼一面…。

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人权 医疗 难民 青少年
