
Response of a desert plant Reaumuria soongarica to past geological and climatic change in arid Central Asia

第十一届国际旱地发展会议——Past geological and climatic events have promoted intraspecific divergence and range shifts in numerous plant species. This is particularly true for temperate species in climate-sensitive regions. However, few previous studies have examined so far whether such genetic footprints were also shaped in desert plants, which can survive in arid habitats and might be “static” under the past climatic oscillations. We therefore studied the phylogeographical history of Reaumuria soongarica, a shrub species that is widely distributed across the deserts of arid Central Asia.
キーワード:干旱地区 叶绿体DNA沙漠植物

Research and development in the context of food, energy and climate change in Kuwait, the case of Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research

第十一届国际旱地发展会议——KISR was founded in 1967, it was set up to conduct applied research in three fields of national importance:petroleum, desert agriculture and marine biology. Since then, our role and responsibilities have expanded greatly, on both a national and regional leval.
キーワード:科威特科学研究所 粮食 能源研究

Pursuing sustainable desertification reversion through establishment of water-saving vegetations in Horqin Sandy Land in Inner Mongolia

第十一届国际旱地发展会议——Horqin Sandy Land once was one of the most severely desertified lands in northern China. Since 1987, desertification is reversed and vegetation restored. However, monitoring found that both the reversion and restoration were fragile to the climatic change and rapidly increasing water use. The desertified land had increased from 4230 km²in 1975 to 61008 km²in 1987 and then decreased to 50197 km²in 2000 and less than 50000 km²in 2010. While desertification is reversed, the biological productivity of restored desertified grassland was decreased from 380 g/m²in 1982 to 220 g/m²in 2005 and increased to about 380g/m²in 2010 and the diversity was decreased.
キーワード:科尔沁沙地 土地沙化 水资源 荒漠化

Prospects of lentil cultivation under rainfed cropping systems in South Asia

第十一届国际旱地发展会议——Lentil is a winter pulse crop grown under residual soil moisture after monsoon. This talk Emphasizes that we should increas lentil production under changing climate to provide nutritional security in south asia.
キーワード:旱地种植 扁豆 南亚地区 干旱

Over-expression of the rice mono galactosyl diacylglycerol synthase gene (OsMGD) enhances tolerance to multiple stresses in tobacco

第十一届国际旱地发展会议——Galactolipids constitute the important membrane lipid class in plants and are essential for plant growth. They are the major component of the plotosynthetic membrane and thus necessary for plant photosynthesis.
キーワード:水稻 半乳糖脂 光合作用 植物抗逆性

Modeling evapotranspiration of applied water in Egypt Delta

第十一届国际旱地发展会议——This research aims to help the water policy planners to determine the Kc and ET in the irrigated agriculture, in order to develop suitable irrigation practices to optimize irrigation water use.
キーワード:灌溉水利用优化 农业灌溉 埃及三角洲

Comparison on extraction methods of wetland in inland river basin of Northwest China:A case study in Zhangye City

第十一届国际旱地发展会议——Wetlands ar irreplaceable natural complex. Unreasonable dvelopment and utilization of wetland in inland river basin of northwest China have remarkable impacts on people's life. It is urgent to find a good way to extract the wetland effectively in inland river basin.
キーワード:湿地 中国西北地区 干旱地区

Managing water resources under climatic change in the dry areas of North Africa and the Middle East

第十一届国际旱地发展会议——Achieving and tracking improved rural livelihoods of farmers in the benchmark sites through the adoption of sustainable land and water management practices and livelihood strategies. Pilot-testing,modeling benefits and land-use strategies for policy-marking,tools for sustainable water management including management of treated wastewater, groundwater and changing climatic conditions.
キーワード:水资源管理 土地利用战略 旱地地区

Management of drylands in Kyrgyzstan

第十一届国际旱地发展会议——The Kyrgyz Republic is located in the North-East of Central Asia. The climate is characterized by continentality, aridity, duration of solar light, altitude zones and the big spatial distinctions. The climate various is connected with rather southern location of the country,its remoteness from oceans,the neighborhood with extensive deserts and relief contrast.
キーワード:吉尔吉斯斯坦 干旱地区 旱地管理

Integrated agricultural production systems for improved food Security and livelihoods in Dry Areas(2)

第十一届国际旱地发展会议——Production systems are under pressure to be efficient in order to compete in global market. Small farms cannot benefit from economies of scale such as effective mechanization. Lack of access to capital and input markets. Youngsters are increasingly looking for alternative opportunities in the cities where employment is scarce. The result is unbridled urbanization with slums and social unrest.
キーワード:粮食安全 农业综合生产系统 规模经济