"How Long is the Road", the last part of director Tang Shiang-Chu's trilogy of coming home, continued the main theme of coming home. This time the director focus on a group of Ami Taiwanese soldiers who were brought to the civil war in China after the Kuomintang took over Taiwan. In 1949, these Taiwanese soldiers either died in war or were forced to stay in China and barred from returning homes in Taiwan. This kind of political segregation not only happened to Taiwanese soldiers, but also to Chinese soldiers. Director Tang's second part of the trilogy "How High is the Mountain" depicted his own father, a veteran who was brought to Taiwan by the Kuomintang, forced to stay in Taiwan and barred from returning home in Hunan. This absurdity of war sent a group of innocent people into the battlefield away from homes.
The Rolling Muddy River.浊水溪是一条面目多变的河流,她是沙漠,也是翻腾的大川,在学理上,她是全台最长的河川,几乎横跨了半个台湾;在情感上,浊水溪是台湾岛屿最自然的切割线,是政治版图能不能横跨的界线。长久以来,沿岸居民在流域展开生活,各类物种也因丰富的生态而聚居,人类的生活却也被浊水溪深深影响。海拔三千多公尺的佐久间鞍部,是浊水溪起源的地方,水的故事才刚刚开始,沙,就跟着流入浊水溪的生命中,因为饱含大量沙土,常年河色混浊,人们赋予这条溪「浊水」的封号,水与沙是她的灵魂。2015斯洛伐克环境影展(首奖)